Announcements & Connection Links 12/10/22
Dear TBC Family and Friends,
It is getting colder but still no snow! While I am thankful the snow has not yet occurred, I do hope that I get to experience another white Christmas. If or when it happens, I will realize, that's not what I wanted after all!
Tomorrow we will take a look at a Biblical understanding of joy. Often joy is associated with feelings of happiness, but is joy more than simply happiness? Is there such a thing as having joy with eternal value? Come out tomorrow to corporately worship with each other and hear about what the Bible has to say about joy.
Please also come back tomorrow evening as we get to enjoy the Children's Christmas program. The kids and everyone involved have been putting in a lot of work and I am sure all will be blessed by it. Please be praying for the evening as I am sure there will be family members invited who have yet to believe in the Gospel. Pray that the program as well as the sharing of the Gospel will reach hearts and by God's grace they will believe!
Looking forward to worshipping with you all tomorrow.
In Christ,
Pastor John
1. CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: All children planning to participate in this year's Christmas program this Sunday evening, December 11th at 6pm should plan to attend the last rehearsal at 9:15am in the auditorium this Sunday, on December 11th, and be at the church by 5pm promptly for a full dress rehearsal.
2. FELLOWSHIPS: This Sunday evening we will have light refreshments provided by the church after the Children's Christmas Program, but next Sunday night, December 18th, please bring 2 dozen cookies for a cookie fellowship following the Christmas Meditations program.
3. LADIES' COOKIE SWAP: All ladies are invited to the annual cookie swap night at Linda Ploszaj's home in Windsor, CT at 6:30pm on Thursday evening, December 15th. Bring as many cookies as you would like to swap, with your cookies packed in bags/containers of 6 cookies of the same variety. You will go home with as many packs of 6 cookies as you brought. Please also bring an appetizer to share as we fellowship as well. If you need the address, please reply to this email.
4. CHRISTMAS CALENDAR: Mark your calendars! The Children's Christmas Program is this Sunday evening, December 11th at 6pm. The Adult Christmas Music Program is Sunday evening, December 18th at 6pm. Christmas Sunday we will not be having Sunday School, ABF, or a Sunday evening service, but we will have our main service at 10:30am. New Year's Sunday will be back to regular programming. We do not have a Christmas Eve service this year.
5. CHRISTMAS EVE WHITE ELEPHANT GIFT EXCHANGE: Pastor John and Kristen are hosting a Christmas Eve party at their home in East Hartford on Christmas Eve in the evening. Everyone is invited to attend, but please RSVP by replying to this email or by letting John or Kristen know that you are coming. More details to come.
6. SUNDAY EVENING CHILDREN'S PROGRAM: Beginning in January, our kids will begin a new program on Sunday evenings! In an extension of the morning's lessons, they'll be taking a deeper look at various areas of Christian growth, like Bible study, evangelism and worship. And plenty of games will be included! If any adults or teens are interested in supporting the program as part of a teacher/helper rotation, please see Alisa for more information.
7. LADIES' INTERNATIONAL POTLUCK DINNER: Ladies, please mark your calendars for an international potluck ladies' dinner held at the church at 6pm on Friday, January 13th. Please RSVP to Alisha Albinson, or reply to this email if you can attend. Please bring an international dish to share when you come!
Sunday, 9:15am - 2's - 3's Sunday School Class (In Person Only)
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 4's - 5's Sunday School Class (In Person Only)
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 1st - 2nd Grade Sunday School Class (In Person Only)
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 3rd - 4th Grade Sunday School Class (In Person Only)
All 3rd - 4th graders are invited to attend in person.
Sunday, 9:15am - 5th & 6th Grade Class (In Person & Zoom)Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Boys Class (7-9th grade) (In Person Only)
Any boys in this age group are invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Girls Class (7-9th grade) (In Person Only)Any girls in this age group are invited.
Sunday, 9:15am – Lord, Teach us to Pray! (In Person Only / Zoom By Request)
Skip Mission's class will finish up "Prayer from John 14-16" and move to "The New Covenant Life in the Holy Spirit". Content includes God's OT covenant promise to Israel, now given to the church, the person of the Holy Spirit, the commands of the Spirit (walking, filling, etc), His fruit and more. This class meets in the classroom off the gym. Anyone is welcome.
Sunday, 9:15am - Ladies' Bible Study and Prayer (In Person Only)
Beth Mission is teaching an Old Testament survey class to women. They meet in the classroom across from the office. All ladies are welcome.
Sunday, 9:30am – Parenting Class (In Person Only)
Jesse & Kim Christophel and Madeline & Eli Rodriguez are over the course of this fall doing two studies: Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel and Engage by Kirk Cameron which is dealing with social media and parenting through that. The class format involves watching a short video followed by a time of discussion and prayer. Anyone is welcome.
Sunday, 9:15am - Idolatry in the Bible: Life versus Death (In Person & Zoom)
Dave Pepe is leading an adult class that is studying history of idolatry in the Bible. We are seeing that God calls us out of an idolatrous world to be His eternal ambassadors. Anyone is welcome to join in the Junior Church room (under the Sanctuary).
Sunday, 9:15am - Basic Bible Doctrines Class (In Person Only / Zoom By Request)
Pastor Rowley is teaching a Bible Doctrines class that has some time for Q&A each week. This class meets in the gym. Anyone is invited to join.
Sunday, 10:30am - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE (In Person and Livestream)
The livestream can be accessed on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube 15 minutes before the start of the service. Gather the whole family to worship with us for our morning service either in-person or via livestream on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
Sunday, 10:50am - Junior Church (In Person, Zoom by Request - Text Melanie at 860-906-6783)Junior Church will be in person (ages 4-8) and over Zoom (ages 4-11) at 10:50am. Junior Church will begin after the song service during the main worship service time.
Sunday, 5:00pm - Prayer Time for Church and Community Needs (In Person in Adult Classroom in Gym & on Zoom)
Anyone can join and pray with us!
Sunday, 6:00pm - SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE (In Person and Livestream)
The livestream can be accessed on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Childcare and a Children's program (ages 2-10) are provided.
Tuesday, 7:00pm - Joseph & Rebecca Pondugula Life Group (Zoom Only)
This life group is open to anyone via Zoom.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Teen Group (In Person Only)
Any teens are invited to join. Pastor Rodriguez leads the teen group.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Rudy Nelson Life Group (In Person & Zoom)
This life group is studying the book of Psalms. Anyone is invited to join in person at church or via Zoom.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Ron Radziewicz Life Group (Zoom Only)
What does it mean to be blessed? And, more importantly, how do we become someone who is blessed? The kind of life God is calling us to may not look the way we imagined, but it will be better than we could have hoped. In this eight-session series, pastor Matt Chandler takes us through the Beatitudes and shows us what it means to live in the kingdom of God. Through Jesus’s teaching, learn what the blessed life really looks like. Anyone is invited to join.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Pastor & Deanna Rowley Life Group (Zoom Only)
Anyone is invited to join via Zoom.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Kevin Tower Life Group (In Person & Zoom)
This life group is studying the life of Christ through the Gospels. Anyone is invited to join in person at church or via Zoom.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Elvis Chidozie Life Group (Zoom Only)
This life group is on pause until January.
If you would like to join a Life Group or Adult Bible Fellowship group, please just join in via the links above or text or call Kevin Tower at 860-916-5062.
If you have a prayer request or need help in some way, please contact the any of our staff and/or the Care Team at
Looking Unto Jesus,
TBC Staff