Announcements & Connection Opportunities 4/22/23
Dear TBC Family and Friends,
It is getting greener and greener every day! Aside from a day that was quite cold, it has been a nice week, weather-wise. I hope you all have been able to enjoy the great outdoors!
Please join us for corporate worship tomorrow. Something that has been on my mind and heart for quite some time is the exhortation in Galatians 6:6-10, of not growing weary of doing good. Life can (or is!) be challenging in so many ways that it is easy for us to grow weary in doing good. Yet part of enduring in our faith is making sure we endure in doing good. Tomorrow we will look at Galatians 6:6-10 and some ways to prevent weariness in doing good.
Please also come back tomorrow night. With Pastor Rowley, we have looked at how to interpret prophecy (and the Bible as a whole) and reasons to study prophecy. Now we are going to look at the God of prophecy and begin to look at what He has foretold. This study lays the foundation for a proper understanding of the gospels and what God reveals will happen in the future. Please come.
Looking forward to worshipping with you all tomorrow.
In Christ,
Pastor John
1. CHURCH FELLOWSHIP: Our next fellowship is on Sunday, April 30th after the evening service. Please bring one of your favorite large main dishes, salads, or desserts to share. Everyone is invited to attend and spend some time building into each other's lives over some good food.
2. MOTHER'S DAY VIDEO: Leah Pepe is putting together a Mother's Day video showcasing moms or mother figures that are special to our TBC family. She is accepting up to 2 photos per person of a mom or mother figure who was influential in your life. Please do not send in more than 2 photos. You can email the photos to her at before May 7th.
3. SEEDS OF LOVE LADIES BRUNCH: All ladies and teen girls are invited to come to our Seeds of Love Brunch on Saturday, May 6th, from 10am - 12pm. Please sign up on our website if you can come. Each woman is asked to bring a brunch dish to share using our sign up form. Please reply to this email or speak with Melanie Harper if you have any questions or need help signing up.
- If you would like to help with the decorating, clean up, set up, favors, food line, or greeting for this brunch, please come to a meeting after the morning service this Sunday, April 23rd in the classroom across from the office.
4. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY: Come work with our TBC kids! Teaching teams are being organized for the upcoming year, and more adults are needed for various age groups (including nursery!) See or email Hannah Bush for more information at
Sunday, 9:15am - 2's - 3's Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 4's - 5's Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 1st - 2nd Grade Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 3rd - 4th Grade Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - 5th - 6th Grade Sunday School Class
Anyone in this age group is invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Boys Class (7-9th grade)
Any boys in this age group are invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - Junior High Girls Class (7-9th grade)
Any girls in this age group are invited.
Sunday, 9:15am - Teen Class (10-12th grade)
Any guys or girls in this age group are invited. Fresh baked snacks available most weeks. :)
Sunday, 9:15am - Young Adults Class
Any young adults are invited to join this class that provides community and Bible study on topics that matter to young adults. They are currently doing a series on Jonah called "Life Interrupted." This class meets in the Young Adult Classroom.
Sunday, 9:15am – The Covenants (Zoom By Request)
The Covenant's class is a study of the 7 key promises (covenants) that God makes to mankind and Israel in His restoration of all things back to His original design, including the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Palestinian, Davidic and New Covenants. If curious ask Skip Mission for more details. Anyone is invited to join. This class meets in the classroom across from the church office.
Sunday, 9:15am - Discipleship Training Class
Kevin Tower will be beginning a 12-15 week class for those interested in getting training in how to become an effective disciple maker. We encourage all regular attenders to attend this class at some point! This class meets in a classroom down below the auditorium lobby. Anyone is invited to join!
Sunday, 9:15am - Theology of Work
This class will be exploring why all work matters. The ideas in this class can transform how you think about the hours spent at work and God's calling through those hours. Anyone is invited to join. This class is meeting in the room across the hall from the teen room.
Sunday, 9:15am - Ladies' Bible Study and Prayer
Beth Mission is teaching an Old Testament survey class to women. They meet in a classroom in the gymnasium. All ladies are welcome.
Sunday, 9:30am – Marriage Class
This class is doing the FamilyLife's Vertical Marriage series and then will follow that series up with another study on the topic of marriage. This class is meeting in an upstairs gymnasium classroom. Anyone is invited to join!
Sunday, 9:15am - The Objective History of Idolatry (In Person & Zoom)
This class is studying the objective history of idolatry in the Bible. We are seeing that Almighty God has called us out of an idolatrous demonic world to be His ETERNAL ambassadors of light for Him in time. We are also looking at our ETERNAL position in Christ contrary to that of a subjective, demonic position of darkness. Anyone is welcome to join in the Junior Church room (under the Sanctuary).
Sunday, 9:15am - Basic Bible Doctrines Class (Zoom By Request)
Pastor Rowley is teaching a Bible Doctrines class that has some time for Q&A each week. This class meets in the gym. Anyone is invited to join.
The livestream can be accessed on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube 15 minutes before the start of the service. Gather the whole family to worship with us for our morning service either in-person or via livestream on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
Sunday, 10:50am - Junior Church (Zoom by Request - Text Melanie at 860-906-6783)
Junior Church will be in person (ages 4-8) and over Zoom (ages 4-11) at 10:50am. Junior Church will begin after the song service during the main worship service time.
Sunday, 5:00pm - Prayer Time for Church and Community Needs (Adult Classroom in Gym & on Zoom)
Anyone can join and pray with us!
The livestream can be accessed on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Childcare and a Children's program (ages 2-10) are provided.
Tuesday, 6:30pm - Keith Tower Life Group
Life group in Windsor, CT. Anyone can join. Please reply to this email if you would like to attend.
Tuesday, 7:00pm - Joseph & Rebecca Pondugula Life Group (Zoom Only)
This life group is open to anyone via Zoom.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Teen Group
Any teens are invited to join in the teen room at church. Pastor Rodriguez leads the teen group.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Rudy Nelson Life Group
This life group is studying the 2 Peter. Anyone is invited to join at church.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Ron Radziewicz Life Group (Zoom Only)
The world teaches us to revolve our actions, thoughts, and beliefs around ourselves. “It’s all about you!” we are encouraged to think. In the world’s philosophy, we become the author and hero of our story. But the Bible teaches a different view, one where another hero—the actual Author of life—takes center stage. In the book of Job, God asserts his preeminence and displays his power. Join Francis Chan in this eight-session series on Job as he explores the overriding truth that we exist not for ourselves but to glorify the God who deserves all worship and praise. - Anyone is invited to join.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Pastor & Deanna Rowley Life Group (Zoom Only)
Anyone is invited to join via Zoom.
Wednesday, 7:00pm - Kevin Tower Life Group
This life group is studying the life of Christ through the Gospels. Anyone is invited to join in person at church.
Friday, 6:30pm - Pastor John Life Group
Life group in East Hartford, CT. Anyone can join. Please reply to this email if you would like to attend.
If you would like to join a Life Group or Adult Bible Fellowship group, please just join in via the links above or text or call Kevin Tower at 860-916-5062.
If you have a prayer request or need help in some way, please contact the any of our staff and/or the Care Team at
Looking Unto Jesus,
TBC Staff