Sharing the Truth with Love
Join us this Sunday at 10:30am & 6:00pm!
Welcome to Truth Baptist Church!
We are a church of ordinary people following an extraordinary God.
Location: 60 Burnham Street, South Windsor, CT 06074
SUN 9:15 AM: Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowship
SUN 10:30 AM: Morning Service
SUN 6:00 PM: Evening Service
WED 7:00 PM: Teen Youth Group & Life Groups at various locations
WEEKLY: Life Groups at various locations

What’s going on at TBC?
Getting Connected
Our church isn’t perfect. We are not a large corporate-like system, we may not have super fancy tech, and our ministries are led by volunteers. We are a family of flawed humans committed to the process of sanctification through faith and trust in Jesus. Relationships, discipleship, and studying God’s Word are very important to us, and we would love to help you get connected if you are interested.